EDTC 112_Class preparation 4 (Digital technology and Application Software in classrooms) 47188715, 43380085, 43323103, 387600142

Digital Education is defined as a way of teaching with technological tools that are digital. Things are evolving technology is brought into education to enhance the learning process of learners and equip them.  Application software is programs that run code. Designed to take a common to perform a specific task. Now both digital education and software applications are brought into education with the idea to introduce learners to ways of problem-solving. This enhances the way in which learners' knowledge grows. The utilization of technology gives exposure to learners to problem-solving tools and builds on that because a lot of these things in the world are based on technology. Things such are calculators and cell phones are the most common digital devices to assist learners in learning.

Digital technology makes it easy for an educator to transfer knowledge to learners. this provides a meaningful experience are theory can be put into application for visualization.

The use of WIFI provides internet access and teachers are able to publish assignments via a school website. Make it easy to access to give learners pure exposure. Tablets and computer availability in the classroom are other advantages that allow learners to work at their preferred pace if they miss out on something during a class. One can stay behind to put in more practice on what was done during the class.

For learners in the early grades, the introduction of digital technology helps them to build on some fundamental skills that will be applicable in the near future for the development of their technological skills. As the learner grow up into middle school grade they will develop some independence and comfort around the use of technology in education.

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  1. Teachers can use interactive whiteboards where information can be presented more easily.
    Teachers can incorporate videos into lesson plans by using data projectors to present their lessons
    Introduce active learning to the classroom to make everything more interesting for learners and enjoy being in class.

  2. Application Softwares that can be used in class include the following:
    -Google Classroom


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